Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Our SMU Fencing Representatives for Patron's Day 2007

When they are a little playful.......
And when they are a little hao lian.......

<---Captain Mac-->

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Starting the Year with a Bang!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

why we rock...

because our team consists of...






I Wonder

As I was adding people to the blog I realized something..
Among us there's such email addresses:

I know I know, it stands for Jian Wei AND Jian Wei right? How creative.
Were you 18 in 2001?
This one is challenging, I couldn't guess the meaning at all.
This one is the ultimate:
Wonder who you are... Bloody and milk? How did the two ever come together? I wonder...
*This was written out of pure curiousity with no intention to offend.

Here are some pictures that I got from Xue Hui.
Presenting to you (Some of) The SMU Fencers


The Girls of SMU Fencing Team...

Tougher than Charlie's Angels

Cuter than Powerpuff Girls


We'll be Back...


And on an unrelated note: RJC Open Pictures ( Better late than never)

*Young brought his camera on that day as he needed a picture for his msn.

Mind you they were in the middle of RJ's hall.


We enjoyed ourselves that day...

SMU Fencers Forever~


Monday, January 22, 2007

Well done Team!

Once again, our team has got something gold in colour back this year. Last year it was Mens Team, this year, it's Womens Team. Next year, we'll sweep both.. Haha..

Anyway, personally I'll just like to congrats my own team mates - Hanwen, Vivien and Wensi for the hard work and determination they put in before and during the comp. It is a Gold that's deservingly ours.

Girls Team B, it's your turn next year. No Bronze, no Silver, it's Gold that you and I are interested in. Anyway, you girls did gave a very good fight!

For our team's guys and those long-time-no-see seniors who came down to support, thanks! Althou when we fence, we're physically alone on the piste, facing the opponent, but mentally, we had all of you with us up in our minds, so many of you all, and the mental support was really impt. Parallel to what Coach always say, fencing is a physical and mental game. Mentally, because of your presence and your support, we already won, so thanks!

And to Captain Mac, thanks for training us so well and the constant advices along the way.

And of cos to Coach, btw, Coach disclosed to me that he does read some of his students' blogs. Anyway, thanks to coach also, training stuffs apart, most importantly for believing in us and giving us confidence. I hope SMU team is the team you're proudest of.

-- Yours Sincerely, Elaine

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Come on lets do it!

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Poster of 2007!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Funny Clips from Training Camp 06!